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The University of Primorska is seeking a dynamic and motivated PhD candidate to work on development and evaluation of deconstructable timber-concrete composite systems. The researcher will be employed as a doctoral candidate in the Ph.D. study program: Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments.

Today, 11 July 2024, we welcomed another Doctor of Science at UP.

Nevena Pivač, student of the doctoral study programe Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT will defend her doctoral thesis Structure and algorithms for graph classes: new results on minimal separators and independent sets; under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič.

The defence will take place on Thursday, 11 July 2024 at 11:00 in Famnit-VP3 and on Zoom (Meeting ID: fam.vp3) / (Passcode: UPFamnit)

The doctoral disertation will be available in the UP library.

You are cordially invited!

InnoRenew CoE, together with the University of Primorska, successfully hosted the 67th International Congress of Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), held 30 June- 4 July 2024 at the Bernardin Hotel Congress Centre.

Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik from the Department of Information Sciences and Technologies at UP FAMNIT an UP IAM was selected as a member of the informal Commission expert group for the development of guidelines on high-quality informatics.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

New projects acquired in June

In June, the Department of Technology at UP IAM acquired a project under the HORIZON RIA - Research and Innovation Action programme, which will begin in September 2024. The Departments of Mathematics at UP IAM and UP Famnit have once again been successful in the Public Call for (co)financing scientific research cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America for the years 2024 – 2026 by the Slovenian Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation Activities (ARIS).

At the meeting of the T4EU Student Council on June 25, 2024, the student representatives of the Transform4Europe member universities decided on the new leadership. Elections were held for the President, the Vice-President and the student representative in the Steering Committee. Lana Erjavec, a student at the UP Faculty of Health Sciences, president of UP FVZ Student Council and president of UP Student Council was elected as the new President of the T4EU Student Council.

Today concluded the 50th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - WG2024, which took place from June 19 to 21, 2024, in Gozd - Martuljek in Kranjska Gora.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, the opening of the University Store - nakUP - took place in the University Library (UP UK), which the university had opened early for Transform4Europe Week: Beyond Borders (May, 20-24). With the opening speech, the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon and the purchase, it was officially opened by the Rector of the UP, Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar and the Director of the UP UK, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonatan Vinkler.

On May 15, 2024, University of Primorska (UP) announced a call for a doctoral position in the field of Complex Network Analysis. The candidate will be employed at the Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) within the Computer Science and Informatics group and will become a PhD student at UP, as part of the doctoral program in Computer Science and Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT).

On March 15, 2024, University of Primorska published the Call for Young Researchers at the UP in 2024 for vacancies for young researchers who will train for the profession of researcher and carry out doctoral studies at UP, on the basis of a full-time employment contract, for a period of up to four years. 

The UP University Healthcare Centre, which operates in the Koper Health Centre (ZD Koper),will be CLOSED from July to September 2024.

In May, a new project from the Horizon programme was approved at the University of Primorska. This project, within the MSCA Staff Exchanges framework, aims to promote innovative international, cross-sectoral, and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through the exchange of personnel, knowledge, and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain.

Between 28 and 30 May 2024, the "Computers in Scientific Discoveries (CSD10)" conference took place at the University of Leuven in Belgium, bringing together researchers from the fields of mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and graph theory the 10th edition of this conference.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

T4EU Week at UP has come to an end

The University of Primorska, in cooperation with the University of Trieste, organised the first T4EU Week (Transform4Europe Week: Beyond Borders), in the new series of European University Transform4Europe Weeksfrom 20 to 24 May 2024.

The successfully concluded traditional conference TRIPLE i: Intuition, Imagination, Innovation in Suicidology, organized for the 15th year by the Slovenian Center for Suicide Research (SCSR) at the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM). The event, held in memory of the late Prof. Andrej Marušič around the time of his birthday, aims to promote intuition, imagination, and innovation in suicide research and prevention.


The International Conference InnoRenew CoE 2024 (IRIC2024) invites submissions of abstracts and active participation at the conference until 24 May 2024. The conference, which will be held for the sixth consecutive year, will take place at the InnoRenew CoE building in Izola from 11-12 September 2024.

Thursday, 16 May 2024


The University of Primorska, in cooperation with the University of Trieste, is organizing a T4EU Week (Transfor4Europe Week: Beyond Borders), from 20 to 24 May 2024. The main goal of the event is networking, exchange of views, experiences, knowledge and cooperation between students and staff from all 11 partner universities.

The University of Primorska (UP) is a medium-sized, internationally engaged university with 5,745 students, of whom 1,122 (or 19.5%) come from 39 foreign countries. It has 730 staff. The UP has 480 researchers and higher education teachers, of whom 59 (or 12.3%) come from abroad. The UP hosts more than 200 international researchers every year and enrols 190 PhD students.

The NEB Academy, a flagship initiative of the European Commission, has set out to accelerate the up- and re-skilling of architecture, construction, and engineering (ACE) professionals and adjacent actors. Through a network of training hubs across Europe that bundle regional competencies and facilitate access to contents on sustainability, circularity and bio-based material knowledges. A strong partnership of universities, regional training centres, authorities and EU associations has kicked of the NEBA Alliance to co-create this novel platform for the construction sector.

The University of Primorska is looking for a student to support us in the project management of the NEBA Alliance project, which is coordinated by the University of Primorska and formally implemented at the Andrej Marušič Institute.

The Departments of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) and Andrej Marušič Institute (IAM) of the University of Primorska, are seeking a top early-career researcher for a postdoctoral position in the area of structural and algorithmic graph theory, in connection with a research grant of Prof. dr. Martin Milanič, "Beyond Sparsity: Graph Classes and Width Parameters" funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency.

Friday, 29 March 2024

WINGS FOR LIFE group run with UP

For several years now, the first Sunday in May (5 May) has been marked by the Wings for life run, which takes place in three ways - at a larger event, where runners are chased by a pursuit vehicle (this will be in Ljubljana) or with an app. This can be used by anyone who is going to run on Sunday at 13:00, or you can join one of the "app runs" organised by the app, where you are chased by a virtual car. This year, for the second time, this type of run will take place by the sea, organised by Sport UP, which is responsible for the recreation of students and staff at the University of Primorska. We will run from the building of the UP FTŠ Turistica to the last pier of the Portorož beach (short run, turning point after 2 km), to Seče (medium run, 4.4 km one way) or to the Sečovlje Salt Pans (8 km). This year our event is also supported by Radio Capris.

The University of Nova Gorica has announced a public call to tender for a young researchers in the field of algebra.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Employees 2.0 again in 2024

Celebrating UP's 20th anniversary on Wednesday, employees asked themselves how we can be an even better version of ourselves, a UP 2.0 version. This kind of reflection is not limited to round anniversaries, however, but also spurs us on, which is why the name for Wednesday's employee activities has been kept. We would like to thank all those who have made the effort to organise sports, educational and cultural activities, based on the wishes expressed in the employee surveys, for the beautiful act of building good and collegial relations. 

The International Conference InnoRenew CoE 2024 (IRIC2024) invites submissions of abstracts and active participation at the conference until 10 May 2024.  The conference, which will be held for the sixth consecutive year, will take place at the InnoRenew CoE building in Izola from 11-12 September 2024.

The University of Primorska has published a Call for Young Researchers who will be trained over the next four years in a research and study programme. Each young researcher will carry out a research project under supervision, which will be structured within the framework of the specific research programme.

In 2024, there are four positions open for young researchers, with two positions available at UP IAM.

The European Commission selected the research institute InnoRenew CoE, out of 530 applications, as one of the finalists for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024. Today the public voting for the prizes started.

The application prepared by InnoRenew CoE experts stood out from over 530 applications for its quality, alignment with NEB values and principles, and potential to promote beauty, sustainability, and inclusion.

The research team of the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research UP IAM has once again succeeded in securing a new project. In the period 2024-2026, the centre's researchers will implement the MentBox project - Modular Mental Health Toolbox, funded under the EU4Health programme of the European Commission.

University of Primorska's researchers attended the kick off meeting of the LIFE BE-WoodEN – Buildings and Education in Wood Ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus project. It was held 27-28 February 2024 in Genoa, Italy.

You are kindly invited to the third lecture entitled »Königsberg: A Hidden Key to Graph Theory's Door,« which will be held on Wednesday, 21 February, at 18:00, in the lecture room - VP3 and via ZOOM.

The lecture will be given by Dr. Blas Fernandez from UP FAMNIT and UP IAM.

The Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (DIST) at UP FAMNIT is seeking a top early-career researcher for a postdoctoral position in the area of psychologically-informed user modeling under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Marko Tkalčič.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

CREE2024: Building Together for Tomorrow

The Jean Monnet University, our partner university from T4EU is organizing the CREEE 2024: FUTURE of ENTREPRENEURSHIP conference where you'll delve into the world of entrepreneurship education and its transformative potential. Taking place from 15-17 April 2024 in Roanne, France, this event promises insightful discussions and practical insights into shaping the entrepreneurs of the future.

In February 2024, we are commencing a two-year research work as part of the international project LIFE BE-WoodEN – Buildings and Education in Wood Ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus, carried out within the New European Bauhaus Academy Pioneer Hub for Sustainable Built Environments with Renewable Materials (NEBAP Hub).

The researcher will be employed at the University of Primorska in the Construction Engineering group and will enroll as a doctoral candidate at the University of Primorska within the doctoral study program Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments at UP FAMNIT.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

HICUB Lab at the 8th HCI SI Conference

The 8th edition of the HCI Slovenia Conference took place on Friday, January 26, 2023 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics.

HCI SI is an annual gathering of experts in the field of human-computer interactions (HCI) in Slovenia and nearby regions, organized by Bled SIGCHI. This year's conference edition was co-organized by HICUP Lab (Humans Interacting with Computers at the University of Primorska).

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

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