Razdaljno-regularni grafi z natanko tremi nerazcepnimi T-moduli s krajiščem 1, od katerih so vsi tanki / Distance-regular graphs with exactly three irreducible T-modules with endpoint 1, all of which are thin
Naziv Tittle |
Razdaljno-regularni grafi z natanko tremi nerazcepnimi T-moduli s krajiščem 1, od katerih so vsi tanki / Distance-regular graphs with exactly three irreducible T-modules with endpoint 1, all of which are thin |
Akronim Acronim |
BI-US/22-24-172 |
Opis Description |
(SI) Predmet našega raziskovanja so kombinatorični objekti, znani kot grafi. Graf se sestoji iz končne množice vozlišč, ter iz množice neusmerjenih lokov oziroma povezav. Pri tem vsaka povezava povezuje par različnih vozlišč. Če sta vozlišči x in y povezani s povezavo, potem pravimo, da sta sosednji. Koncept grafa se izkaže za zelo uporaben, saj lahko z njim ponazorimo mnoge matematične (kot tudi druge) pojme in relacije. (EN) Our research concerns a combinatorial object known as a graph. A graph is a finite set of vertices, together with a set of undirected arcs or edges, each of which connects a pair of distinct vertices. We say that vertices x, y are adjacent whenever x, y are connected by an edge. The concept of a graph is useful because mathematical, as well as intuitive notions, can be formulated in terms of adjacency. Our research concerns a type of graph said to be distance-regular. |
Trajanje Duration |
01/07/2022 - 30/06/2024 |
Vodja projekta Project Leader |
Štefko Miklavič |
Sodelujoče organizacije Participating organizations |
Seattle University |
Oddelek Department |
Oddelek za matematiko IAM |