| SL

At the meeting of the T4EU Student Council on June 25, 2024, the student representatives of the Transform4Europe member universities decided on the new leadership. Elections were held for the President, the Vice-President and the student representative in the Steering Committee. Lana Erjavec, a student at the UP Faculty of Health Sciences, president of UP FVZ Student Council and president of UP Student Council was elected as the new President of the T4EU Student Council.

In addition to the newly elected President, the following persons have been appointed:

  • Vice-President Tiphaine David-Rogeat (Jean Monnet University, France),
  • Ms. Elizabet Koleva (Sofia University, Bulgaria), member of the Steering Committee.

Following their election, the newly elected representatives, President Lana Erjavec and Vice-President Tiphaine David-Rogeat, announced that they will dedicate their mandate to strengthening the networking of students between the different universities within T4EU. Their efforts will focus on raising student awareness of all the opportunities offered by T4EU and consolidating the relevance and active role of the Student Council within T4EU.

Congratulations to our student Lana Erjavec on taking up her new position and to the new student council management.

University of Primorska

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