| SL

Today, UP IAM and UP FAMNIT submitted the nomination of Prof. Klavdija Kutnar as Rector of UP for the term 2023-2027 to the Election Commission for the regular election of the Rector of the University of Primorska.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Regulations on the Election of the Rector of the University of Primorska, the Scientific Council of UP IAM and the Senate of UP Famnit nominate Prof. Klavdija Kutnar as candidate for the position of Rector of the UP. 

Prof. Kutnar's candidacy was also supported by the Senates of UP FM and UP FVZ.

The work programme of the candidate Prof. Klavdija Kutnar is available in Slovenian and English.

Further information on the election process is available here.

University of Primorska

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