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COST Action FP1407 1st Conference “Life Cycle Assessment, EPDs and modified wood

Where: Koper, Slovenia

When: August 25th – August 26th, 2015


The aim of the conference is to present materials, technologies, and characterization techniques in relation to environmental impacts of modified wood. The topic covered at the conference but not limited to:

  • System boundaries of LCA studies in wood sector
  • Environmental impacts of commercial modification processes
  • Interactive assessment of modification process parameters, developed product properties, and environmental impacts
  • Characterization of modified wood
  • System boundaries of LCA studies in wood sector
  • Generic Life Cycle Assessments and Environmental Products Declarations of wood products in different Member States


Important dates

July 1, 2015                     Abstract submission

July 20, 2015                   Information of acceptance of papers/posters

August 1, 2015               Registration deadline

August 25-26, 2015        The International Cost Action Conference


SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Andreja Kutnar (Action Chair); Dennis Jones (Deputy-Chair), Dick Sandberg (WG1 Leader), Robert Németh (WG1 Deputy leader), Christelle Ganne-Chedeville (WG2 Leader), Lauri Linkosalmi (WG2 Deputy leader), Callum Hill (WG3 Leader), Ana Dias (WG3 Deputy leader), Edo Kegel (WG4 Leader), Michael Burnard (WG4 Deputy leader), Lauri Rautkari


LOCAL ORGANISATION: The conference will be organized by University of Primorska (UP IAM and UP FAMNIT).


Univerza na Primorskem

Inštitut Andrej Marušič

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

tel.: +386 (0)5 611 75 91
fax.: +386 (0)5 611 75 92
e-mail: info@iam.upr.si
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