| SL

UP Institute Andrej Marušič has been successful in obtaining a new research project within the Public Call for Proposals for the co-funding of research projects under the complementary scheme for applications to European Research Council (ERC) calls, co-funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

Radio Capris is organising their traditional campaign Fridge of Good Heart to help families in need in our region. The cooperation between UP and Radio Capris has been successful for many years, this year we've formed an even stronger connection with the organisation of events for our students (Orientation days and StartUP). As their campaign connects the wider community, all UP members have decided to participate in this humanitarian action.

The Departments of Mathematics of the UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT), and UP Andrej Marušič Institute (IAM), are seeking a top early-career researcher for a postdoctoral position in the area of structural and algorithmic graph theory, in connection with a research grant of Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič "Tree-Independence Number of Graphs" funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

tel.: +386 (0)5 611 75 91
fax.: +386 (0)5 611 75 92
e-mail: info@iam.upr.si
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