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The Faculty of Management, Centre for Development and Knowledge Transfer (UP FM CRPZ) organises competitions for the Best Invention of the University of Primorska within the activities of the project KTT 2.0. In the last 2 years, they helped register and protect the inventions of two UP researchers.

Postdoctoral position open at the University of Primorska – mentor Assist. Prof. Nino Bašić

Postdoctoral position open at the University of Primorska – mentor Prof. dr. Michaël Mrissa

The Departments of Mathematics at UP IAM and UP Famnit were once again successful in the call for proposals launched by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) for co-financing scientific research cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America in the period 2022-2024.

You are kindly invited to the 5th lecture of Famnits' Trips to the Mathematical Universe (Famnitovi izleti v matematično vesolje), entitled »Prime divisibility of binomial coefficients« by Dr. Russ Woodroofe (UP Famnit). The lecture will be held on Wednesday, 23rd March 2022, at 18.00, in VP3 (Lecture hall 3 at Famnit) and will be available also via ZOOM link.

Between the 11th of February (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and the 8th of March (International Women's Day), the University of Primorska presented women researchers who have achieved important milestones in their research work in the last year.

Among them were also researchers from UP IAM and UP Famnit, who shared their thoughts on the position of women in science.


Representatives of the US Embassy in Slovenia were received today by Assoc. Prof. David B. DeVallance, Vice-Rector for Internationalization at the University of Primorska. The guests presented two programmes to students and staff at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies.

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

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6000 Koper

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