| SL

The University of Primorska has published a Call for Young Researchers who will undergo a four-year training programme consisting of research and academic components, based on a full-time employment contract. Each young researcher will conduct a research project under the supervision of a mentor, aligned with the specific research programme.

Slovenia has won a European tender for a high-performance supercomputer. It achieved the highest score among the applicants and the project was widely praised. IZUM Director Aleš Bošnjak believes that Slovenia's success in the tender is due to the fact that Slovenia was the first of the eight applicants in the tender to set up a supercomputer in 2021. 

Monday, 10 March 2025

UP WEEK 2025

The Jožef Stefan Institute has launched a public call for applications for the award “zlati znak Jožefa Stefana” (Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem), which recognises the most outstanding doctorates awarded to young researchers in the Republic of Slovenia in the last three years in the fields of Natural, Mathematical, Technical, and Life Sciences.

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

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