| SL

Strukture in simetrične lastnosti grafovskih produktov / Structural and symmetry properties of graph products



Strukture in simetrične lastnosti grafovskih produktov / Structural and symmetry properties of graph products






(SI) Teorija grafov ima številne uporabe na različnih področjih: v računalništvu, v optimizaciji procesov, v transportnih in električnih omrežjih, v biologiji in v sociologiji. V računalništvu so grafi uporabni za predstavitve komunikacijskih omrežij, organizacijo podatkov, prikaz in analizo računskih tokov ter za številne probleme razporejanja sredstev. Če je grupa avtomorfizmov grafa GxK2 izomorfna Aut (G) xC2, potem za G pravimo da je stabilen in drugače nestabilen. Obstaja nedavna domneva ki so jo zastavili Qin et al. [QXZ19] da ne obstaja netrivialno nestabilen cirkulant lihega reda. To domnevo so potrdili Qin et al. za cirkulante praštevilskega reda. Naš načrt je poskusiti rešiti to domnevo v tem projektu. Najprej bomo obravnavali primere cirkulantov, katerih red je produkt dveh različnih praštevil.
(EN) Graph theory has many applications in different fields: computing, process optimization, transport and electricity networks, biology, and sociology. In computing, graphs are useful for the representation of communication networks, the organization of data, the representation and analysis of computational flows, and for many resource allocation problems. If the group of automorphisms of a graph GxK2 is isomorphic to Aut (G) xC2, then G is said to be stable and otherwise unstable. There is a recent conjecture by Qin et al. [QXZ19] that there is no non-trivially unstable odd-order circulant. This conjecture was confirmed by Qin et al. for prime-order circulants. Our plan is to try to resolve this conjecture in this project. We will first consider the case of circulants whose order is the product of two different prime numbers.



01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022

Vodja projekta

Project Leader

dr. Edward Tauscher Dobson

Sodelujoče organizacije

Participating organizations

University of Leoben



Oddelek za matematiko IAM
University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

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