A successful 13th edition of the TRIPLE i in Suicidology Conference 2022
The TRIPLE i: Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology conference successfully concluded on Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at the University of Primorska. The two-day event was organised by the Andrej Marušič Institute, Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (UP IAM SCSR) in collaboration with the De Leo Fund Onlus.
This year, the conference was held in a hybrid format - in the Zoom online environment and simultaneously at the premises of the University of Primorska. The in-person attendees were aspiring students of the Psychology and Biopsychology postgraduate study programmes, which are successfully implemented at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP Famnit).
Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan, Deputy Head of the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research (SCSR), said about the hybrid format of the conference: »The online implementation allows the event to be attended by people from all over the world. At this year's 13th conference, we had participants from about 35 countries. Personally, I am most pleased with those accompanying us from low and middle-income countries, as they would most likely not be able to attend the classic form of the conference. With the online implementation of the event, we enabled all listeners to obtain high-quality first-hand information. Witnessing their satisfaction, and how they transfer what they have learned into suicide prevention practice, makes our work and the continuation of this event worthwhile.«

All attendees the were greeted by Prof. Diego De Leo, Head of the Slovene Centre for Suicide Research and Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan, Deputy Head, and Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska, who also welcomed the participants.
This year's programme included topics on suicide research and clinical work with suicidal people. Internationally renowned experts in the field of suicidology Prof. Stephen Platt, Prof. David Gunnell, Prof. Holly C. Wilcox, Prof. Danuta Wasserman, Prof. Kairi Kõlves, Prof. Lanny Berman, Prof. David A. Jobes, Prof. Nicola Veronese, and others contributed to the insightful and well-rounded programme.
Dr. Vita Poštuvan summarized her impressions with a final thought: »This year's programme once again offered an extremely stimulating debate. In addition to the classic topics addressing suicidal behaviour and risk factors, such as the covid epidemic, social factors, loneliness, groups of people at risk (adolescents) – this year's programme brought together important topics on research methods, ethics and assessment, and interventions in clinical situations. The programme was broad and the participants were extremely satisfied at the end. «
We invite you to visit the ŽivŽiv?! website, where experts and people with personal experience write about mental health and suicide.
For more photos check the Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) profiles on Facebook and Instagram.