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Community Day: Changing the Understanding of Struggles and Strengthening Support for Youth successfully brought together nearly 200 participants, who gathered to highlight the importance of adolescent mental health. The event took place on September 27 in Koper, in the Armeria Hall and at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska.

September 16, 2024 – The European Project "Modular Mental Health Toolbox" (MentBox) officially launches with an event hosted by the Andalusian Health Service in Seville, Spain. Funded by the EU, MentBox aims to bridge the gap between the best practices in mental health care and their implementation across EU Member States

For the first time in Slovenia, an ERC (European Research Council) grant recipient, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE Deputy director and professor at the University of Primorska, has successfully secured funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC) through the Pathfinder Open Call. This marks an important milestone as it is also the first Pathfinder project in Slovenia to be led by a female coordinator.

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

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6000 Koper

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