| SL

At the 37th regular session, the Senate of the University of Primorska, has adopted the Decision on the call for regular elections of the Rector of the University of Primorska. An integral part of the Decision on Calling for Elections is the Schedule for the Implementation of Electoral Tasks.

Dr. Anna SandakInnoRenew CoE research group leader at InnoRenew, associate professor and research associate at the UP FAMNIT and UP IAM recently published a scientific article »Engineered living materials for sustainable and resilient architecture«, in Nature Reviews Materials.

Thursday, 16 March 2023


17 March marks the birthday of the University of Primorska, since it was entered in the court register on that day in 2003, and this year marks its 20th anniversary. The celebrations culminate in a gala academy, which this year took place on Thursday, 16 March 2023, and which, along with the awarding of the University's prizes, was a special occasion with the presence of distinguished guests.

The keynote speaker was the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and YouthMariya Gabriel, she emphasised: »Strong links between your university and your innovation and a focus on interdisciplinary, challenge-based challenges in teaching and research have been and will continue to be continue to be the key to your success.«

The University of Primorska has published a Call for Young Researchers who will be trained over the next four years in a research and study programme. Each young researcher will carry out a research project under supervision, which will be structured within the framework of the specific research programme.

In 2023, five positions are open for young researchers, with a total of four open positions at UP IAM and UP Famnit.

Pi Day is a holiday celebrating the mathematical constant π (pi) on 14 March each yearand is also the International Day of Mathematics. In the American date notation, 14 March is written as 3/14, which are the first three digits of pi. On this day, events are held all over the world, mostly competitions to memorise the decimals of a number. PIphilology covers various mnemonic techniques that can help us to know the maximum possible number of decimals of PI. One way is PIpoetry - i.e. poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. PIphilology is a technique that can help us to know the maximum number of decimals of Pi. PIpoetry is a form of poetry in which the number of letters in the nth word of a composition must equal the nth decimal in the decimal notation of Pi. The first Slovenian competition in PIetry was organised at UP, in 2014, within the Department of Mathematics of UP Famnit and UP IAM.

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

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