Kvazi razdaljno-uravnoteženi grafi / Quasi distance-balanced graphs
Naziv Tittle |
Kvazi razdaljno-uravnoteženi grafi / Quasi distance-balanced graphs |
Akronim Acronim |
BI-RU/19-20-004 |
Opis Description |
(SI) V danem grafu G, za točki u in v množica W(u,v) označuje točke grafa G, ki so bližje točki u kot točki v. Množice W(u,v) so uporabne v različnih problemih, tudi v kemični teoriji grafov. Najbolj enostavni primeri takih grafov so polni dvodelni grafi, ki so v bistvu edini primeri tovrstnih grafov z diametrom 2. Vsi znani primeri kvazi razdaljno-uravnoteženih grafov so dvodelni grafi, kar predstavlja odprt problem, če tak graf ni dvodelni. (EN) In a given graph G, for vertices, u and w the set W(u,v) denote the set of vertices of G that are closer to u than to v. Sets W(u,v) are useful in different topics (ex. chemical graph theory). The simplest examples of such graphs are complete bipartite graphs, which are in fact the only examples of such graphs with diameter 2. All known examples of quasi distance-balanced graphs are bipartite, and the existence of non-bipartite examples is an open problem. |
Trajanje Duration |
01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021 |
Vodja projekta Project Leader |
Ademir Hujdurović |
Sodelujoče organizacije Participating organizations |
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Oddelek Department |
Oddelek za matematiko IAM |