Infrastrukturni program UP (OT)
Naziv Tittle |
Infrastrukturni program UP (OT) |
Akronim Acronim |
I0-0035 |
Opis Description |
(SI) V infrastrukturnem programu »Kakovost bivanja v grajenem okolju« izvajamo infrastrukturno podporo znanstveno-raziskovalnem delu v dveh organizacijskih enotah UP IAM, in sicer na Oddelku za tehnologijo in na Oddelku za preučevanje zdravja. Oddelka se med seboj razlikujeta v aktivnostih, ki jih izvajata, vendar se že uspešno združujejo v interdisciplinarnem znanstveno-raziskovalnem delu na področju kakovosti bivanja v grajenem okolju. Cilj programa so raziskave in razvoj v podporo čim višji »kakovosti bivanja« v grajenem okolju. Infrastrukturni program nudi podporo raziskovalnim programom, nacionalnim in mednarodnim projektom ter drugemu raziskovalnemu delu, ki se trenutno izvaja na vključenih organizacijskih enotah UP IAM. Poleg sodelovanja organizacijskih enot znotraj UP IAM se program vključuje v infrastrukturne programe drugih članic UP ter drugih raziskovalnih organizacij v Sloveniji. Preko mednarodne vpetosti organizacijskih enot UP IAM pa posega tudi v mednarodni znanstvevno-raziskovalni in razvojni prostor. (EN) In the infrastructure programme "Quality of Living in the Built Environment", we provide infrastructure support for scientific research work in two organisational units of UP IAM, namely the Department of Technology and the Department of Health Studies. The two departments differ in the activities they carry out, but they are already successfully merging in interdisciplinary scientific research work in the field of quality of life in the built environment. The aim of the programme is research and development to support the highest possible 'quality of life' in the built environment. The Infrastructure Programme provides support to research programmes, national and international projects and other research work currently being carried out at the participating organisational units of the UP IAM. In addition to the cooperation of the organisational units within the UP IAM, the programme is integrated into the infrastructure programmes of other UP members and other research organisations in Slovenia. Through the international involvement of the UP IAM organisational units, the programme is also involved in the international scientific research and development space. |
Vrsta projekta Project Type |
Infrastrukturni program |
Trajanje Duration |
01/01/2015 - 31/12/2021 |
Vodja projekta Project Leader |
Andreja Kutnar |
Sodelujoče organizacije Participating organizations |
vse članice UP |
Oddelek Department |
Oddelek za tehnologijo IAM |