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Tuesday, 18 June 2024
On May 15, 2024, University of Primorska (UP) announced a call for a doctoral position in the field of Complex Network Analysis. The candidate will be employed at the Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) within the Computer Science and Informatics group and will become a PhD student at UP, as part of the doctoral program in Computer Science and Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT). Read more
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
The University of Primorska is seeking a dynamic and motivated PhD candidate to work on development and evaluation of deconstructable timber-concrete composite systems. The researcher will be employed as a doctoral candidate in the Ph.D. study program: Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments. Read more
Tuesday, 13 August 2024
Today, on 13 August, Nina Krohne successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled Suicidal Behavior in Women: The Role of Intimate Partner Violence and Resilience to Suicidality, under the supervision of Associate Professor Vita Poštuvan and Professor Diego De Leo. Read more
Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Nina Krohne, student of the doctoral study programme Suicidology and Mental Health at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT), will defend her doctoral dissertation entitled »Suicidal behavior in women: The role of intimate partner violence and resilience to suicidality«, prepared under the supervision of mentor Assoc. Prof. Vita Poštuvan and co-mentor Prof. Diego de Leo. The defence will take place on Tuesday, 13th August 2024 at 14.30 at the lecture room Famnit-VP2. The doctoral dissertation is available at the UP library. Read more
Wednesday, 31 July 2024
The research team of the Slovenian Centre for Suicide Research UP IAM, under the leadership of the Deputy Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vita Poštuvan, was again successful in obtaining research funding. In the period 2024-2026, the Centre's researchers will implement the project Ker te štekam: Razvoj trajnostne mreže strokovnjakov in njihovih veščin za preprečevanje samomorilnega vedenja mladih ter obravnavo posledic samomora, funded under the Ministry of Health's call for Development of Mental Health Programmes for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults. Read more

Scientific meetings and conferences

University of Primorska

Andrej Marušič Institute

Muzejski trg 2
6000 Koper

tel.: +386 (0)5 611 75 91
fax.: +386 (0)5 611 75 92
e-mail: info@iam.upr.si
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