Načrti, kode, grafi in kriptografija - interdisciplinarni pristop v analizi določenih diskretnih struktur / Designs, codes, graphs and cryptography an interdisciplinary approach in analysis of certain discrete structures
Naziv Tittle |
Načrti, kode, grafi in kriptografija - interdisciplinarni pristop v analizi določenih diskretnih struktur / Designs, codes, graphs and cryptography an interdisciplinary approach in analysis of certain discrete structures |
Akronim Acronim |
BI-HR/18-19-013 |
Opis Description |
(SI) V okviru projekta bomo študirali LDPC kode konstruirane iz kombinatoričnih načrtov in njihove geodetske grafe. Dobljene strukture bodo analizirane glede na njihove grupe avtomorfizmov in druge strukturne lastnosti (geometrijske, algebraične). Dobljene kode, načrti, funkcije in grafi bodo primerjani z poprej znanimi strukturami. Kot rezultat predlaganega raziskovalnega dela pričakujemo konstrukcije kod z dobrimi lastnostmi, po možnosti boljšimi kot trenutno poznane kode in konstrukcije različnih kombinatoričnih struktur in sorodnih objektov. (EN) The proposed research will be focused on construction of codes and combinatorial structures, such as combinatorial designs, various types of graphs, for example strongly regular graphs and divisible design graphs, and finding relations between obtained codes, combinatorial structures and certain families of cryptographically significant functions such as bent functions and their modifications. Codes will be constructed directly from the obtained combinatorial structures, and vice versa. The LDPC codes constructed from combinatorial designs and their geodetic graphs will be studied. |
Trajanje Duration |
01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019 |
Vodja projekta Project Leader |
dr. Enes Pasalic |
Sodelujoče organizacije Participating organizations |
University of Rijeka (Tehnički fakultet) |
Oddelek Department |
Oddelek za matematiko IAM |